Journalist’s Trade

Is Blogging Journalism?

A blogger and journalist finds no easy answer, but he discovers connections.

Moving Toward Participatory Journalism

‘If contemporary American journalism is a lecture, what it is evolving into is something that incorporates a conversation and seminar.’

Bloggers and Their First Amendment Protection

Web writing is a protected right, but more limits exist outside the United States.

Weblogs and Journalism: Back to the Future?

A blogger predicts that Weblogs might push Big Media back to better news reporting.

Journalists: Want to blog?

Take advantage of the newness of blogging to newsrooms and become a blogger before the publisher turns the assignment over to his/her favorite columnist. Just blog. Make a prototype. Show…

Determining the Value of Blogs

‘Without, say, the imprimatur of The New York Times, a blogger has only his or her reputation to recommend the work ….’

What makes a good medical reporter?

The late Victor Cohn, a former science editor of The Washington Post, said: “A good medical reporter is, first of all, a reporter after a story, not just a medical…

Portraits of the Living With the Dead

A photographer documents the transition from medical student to physician.

A Doctor Examines a Journalist’s Work

As she moves between being a doctor and a medical journalist, loyalties are divided.

Medical Journalism Training

Medical Journalism Program at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, School of Journalism and Mass Communication. As one of the nation’s first master’s programs in medical journalism, the…