Journalist’s Trade

Graceful and Persuasive Words and Passionate Beliefs

RELATED ARTICLE“Griping About Newspaper Editorials Doesn’t Change”– Michael GartnerThese excerpts from editorials illustrate how, as Michael Gartner writes, “personality—personal and institutional—made the men voices to be listened to and made…

Griping About Newspaper Editorials Doesn’t Change

The problem editors face is figuring out how to get people to read editorials.

Wondering About the Wonders of Technology

Francis Pisani is a journalist and teacher who has gained expertise in new media from his study of its global impact on journalism. He was a member of a panel…

Creating The Online Timeline

The online world left no physical tracks. This meant that a permanent record was nearly impossible to keep because hard disks were small and CD and DVD writers were not…

The News Media’s 30-Year Hibernation

Online newspapers ‘are not creative. They are not interactive. They’re too much like newspapers.’

Traditional Media in the Digital Age

Data about news habits and advertiser spending lead to a reassessment of media’s prospects and possibilities.

The Transparent Life of Newspaper Blogs

At the News & Record in Greensboro, North Carolina, many reporters write blogs—and newspaper stories, too.

The Ascent of Blogging

Old media report on the new media, but they haven’t figured out how to adapt.

Online Timeline

1962United StatesU.S. Air Force contracts with Rand Corp. to study computer networking for defense purposes.1963United StatesTed Nelson, an author and futurist, coins the word “hypertext.”RELATED ARTICLES“The News Media’s 30-Year Hibernation”“Creating…

A New Journalism for Democracy in a New Age

On February 1, 2005, former Nieman Foundation Curator Bill Kovach, who founded and directs the Committee of Concerned Journalists, gave a speech at the School of Journalism at the Universidad…