Journalist’s Trade

What Football Pep Talks Taught Hyperlocal Reporters

‘Inestimable value comes out of making a human connection visible through something as ordinary as a half-time pep talk by a coach to his players.’

Writing About People You Know

‘In community journalism, there is no place to hide, and if you want to hide, then you have no business in this business anyway.’

The Mexican Press: At the Crossroads of Violence

Last year ‘we declared ourselves war correspondents in our own land.’

Intimidation, Exile and the Exhilaration of an Investigative Story Being Published

‘Panama’s La Prensa and [Enrique] Zileri’s Caretas [in Peru] were exceptional places where investigative journalism was encouraged and defended, though both had to pay a price for doing it.’

Exposing Corruption When Illegal Activity Is Business as Usual

‘Unveiling corruption throughout Latin America awakens dreadful instincts in powerful politicians while judicial systems … have repeatedly turned their backs on journalists or, in some cases, even helped to suppress…

Where Western Perceptions Clash With Eastern European Realities

‘In the Balkan context, what Westerners call corruption is seen as the customary tool of political organization.’

The Challenge of Cross-Border Reporting in Europe

‘Through networking, journalists contribute their part in shaping this European public sphere by investigating and illuminating its common issues.’

Out of Tragedy in Turkey Emerges a Journalistic Mission

‘… after my father was murdered, our family founded the Ugur Mumcu Investigative Journalism Foundation … to encourage young people who are concerned about social problems and have ideals of…

Media Assistance on the Global Stage

The intertwined, global array of media assistance funders and implementers has become almost too complex to describe. RELATED ARTICLE“Questioning the Western Approach to Training”Money comes from international organizations (e.g., the…

Investigating Farm Subsidies on a Global Stage

Farm subsidies in Europe is a natural topic for journalists. Investigative reporters know what comes from following the money. Since close to half of the European Union’s total budget goes…