From the Curator

Facts and Friction

Verifying information has always been central to the work of journalists. These days the task has taken on a new level of complexity due to the volume of videos, photos,…

Challenging Ideas

Looking back what would they do differently? Six editors take a hard look at newspapers and what it will take for them to stay alive. More investigative journalism, more training,…

Guided By a Simple Vision

Not far from the Nieman Foundation’s Greek Revival house on Francis Avenue, the future dimensions of media are being explored in the modernistic glass-walled zones of the Massachusetts Institute of…

Living the Legacy of the Nieman Foundation

‘Helping to free Dorothy [Parvaz] and bring Hollman [Morris] to Harvard demonstrate the effective use of the Nieman bully pulpit.’
The Value of the Nieman Fellows’ Experience

The Value of the Nieman Fellows’ Experience

The 50th year celebration of South African Niemans offers a vivid reminder that their work served as ‘a powerful force in the struggle to end apartheid,’ and their ‘authoritative voices…

Expanding the Vision of the Nieman Foundation

‘Ten years later, as I prepare to retire in June, the foundation has a respected voice in the vibrant conversations about the future of journalism.’

Overcoming the U.S. Visa Denial of a Colombian Nieman Fellow

A collaborative effort reverses a ‘permanent’ decision by the State Department and enables investigative reporter Hollman Morris to join his classmates at Harvard.

Fairness as an Essential Ingredient in News Reporting

The Nieman Foundation’s Taylor Family Award recognizes journalistic fairness—and we learn from the stories it honors how newspapers achieve it.

Global Health Reporting: Expertise Matters

For three years global health fellows have been a part of each Nieman class, and the great value rendered by their study and subsequent reporting is measurable.

Bolstering a Beat: A Nieman Fellowship for Business Journalism

‘This Reynolds fellowship is designed to help journalists acquire new levels of knowledge and understanding about business and economic systems.’