
How Independent Journalists in Latin America are Finding New Ways to Hold Power to Account

How Independent Journalists in Latin America are Finding New Ways to Hold Power to Account

Despite social turmoil, financial woes, and repressive regimes, Latin American reporters are keeping the journalism alive
What Happens to News When Journalists and Historians Join Forces

What Happens to News When Journalists and Historians Join Forces

Historically-informed journalism provides crucial context to reporting
The Hong Kong Protests are Also a Fight for a Free Press

The Hong Kong Protests are Also a Fight for a Free Press

Faced with new levels of political pressure and physical threat, Hong Kong’s independent news outlets respond with intrepid reporting and innovative fundraising

Ni melodrama, ni misterio policial: llamando femicidio al femicidio

Read in English. No hay crímenes más violentos en Chile que aquellos contra sus mujeres.En el país con menos homicidios en Latinoamérica, y uno de los más seguros, una mujer es…
Domestic Violence Is Not a 'Crime of Passion'

Domestic Violence Is Not a ‘Crime of Passion’

Reporters increasingly are covering abuse by intimate partners as an urgent social crisis, not a private family matter
Photographing Domestic Violence: Showing Uncomfortable Truths

Photographing Domestic Violence: Showing Uncomfortable Truths

Where is the line between respecting the needs of survivors or the deceased and the public’s need to know?
How Trans Journalists are Challenging—and Changing—Journalism

How Trans Journalists are Challenging—and Changing—Journalism

Trans reporters want more accurate and more sensitive coverage of trans issues and an end to false equivalency
“When you see me on the news, you’ll know who I am”

“When you see me on the news, you’ll know who I am”

When a gunman killed 51 people and injured dozens more at two mosques in Christchurch, New Zealand in March, the official response was swift. Restrictions were imposed on military-style semiautomatic…
Journalism and Libraries: “Both Exist to Support Strong, Well-informed Communities”

Journalism and Libraries: “Both Exist to Support Strong, Well-informed Communities”

In Weare, New Hampshire, a small town about 45 minutes from the state’s southern border with Massachusetts, the local newspaper is largely a one-man show. Michael Sullivan is de facto…
“I feel like the best way to report on North Korea is not actually from North Korea”

“I feel like the best way to report on North Korea is not actually from North Korea”

Anna Fifield, a 2014 Nieman Fellow, started thinking about writing a book about North Korea’s leader, Kim Jong Un, after she returned to the region as The Washington Post’s Tokyo…