
Verifying Truth in Data Deluge

It’s a dirty job, but somebody has to do it. We should not kid ourselves by thinking that other people and institutions cannot gather and distribute crucial information. They can,…

Do Concessions Protect First Amendment?

Freedom’s Voice: The Perilous Present and Uncertain Future of the First AmendmentRobert D. RichardsBrassey’s. 177 Pages. $23.95The New York Times knew what it was doing when it hired Yale Professor…

Pioneer in Coverage of Racial Injustice

The Baltimore Afro-American, 1892-1950Howard FarrarGreenwood Publishing Group 220 Pages. $59.95.Relatively little has been written about the struggle and rise to prominence of America’s most prodigious black newspapers. Now, with the…

Who Knows Better—Critics or the People?

America’s Most Wanted, 1994. Oil and acrylic on canvas. 24 x 32. By permission of Farrar, Straus and Giroux.“Painting By Numbers” is a book about art and freedom, authority and…

A Newsman’s Style as Envoy in Africa

When one thinks of how an ambassador’s career gets started, a rocky beach and seagulls don’t likely come to mind. But this is how Smith Hempstone, a former Editor-in-Chief of…

Scoop Artist Who Isn’t a Journalist

“Born to see; meant to look.” That’s the personal motto taken from Goethe’s “Faust” that Peter Drucker, the legendary thinker and management expert, uses to describe his profession. An observer,…

Questioning the Press’s Adversarial Tone

The Argument Culture: Moving from Debate to DialogueDeborah TannenRandom House. 348 Pages. $25.“The Battle of the Sexes,” “Telecommunications Price Wars,” “Democrats Send Clinton into Battle for Second Term,” “A Classic…

Cloning, a Great Story, but Know What You Are Writing

Remaking Eden: Cloning and Beyond in a Brave New WorldLee M. SilverAvon Books. 317 Pages. $25.Those biologists who tend toward irreverence say their conservative peers have one standard response to…