
Covering  a Collapsing Nation

Covering a Collapsing Nation

Local photographers are building a visual testimony to Venezuela’s breakdown
What Anthony Shadid Teaches Us Still: Rami G. Khouri, NF ’02, is studying the craftsmanship of the late Pulitzer-winning foreign correspondent to share it with a new generation

What Anthony Shadid Teaches Us Still: Rami G. Khouri, NF ’02, is studying the craftsmanship of the late Pulitzer-winning foreign correspondent to share it with a new generation

In life and death alike, Anthony Shadid was repeatedly recognized by his peers as among the finest foreign correspondents of his generation. To examine his legacy and share it with…
Violence at Home and Abroad

Violence at Home and Abroad

On a sunny Friday in May, a sweetly solemn ceremony unfolded on the grounds of Harvard’s Lippmann House as Nieman Fellows gathered for a class reunion. Missing was Anja Niedringhaus,…
What It’s Like To Be a Breastfeeding Journalist

What It’s Like To Be a Breastfeeding Journalist

So what happens when mothers who are fresh off their maternity leaves and want to keep breastfeeding their babies come head-to-head with the realities of working in journalism? Results may…
Where Are the Mothers?

Where Are the Mothers?

If news organizations want to attract and retain millennial journalists, newsrooms must better meet the needs of parents with young children—and create better work-life balance for everyone

Want Better Family Leave and Flexibility at Your Company?

Follow These 5 Steps
Political Coverage and the Pressure to Get It Right

Political Coverage and the Pressure to Get It Right

Donald Trump and the GOP may lack a coherent governing agenda, but they have no doubt about their electoral strategy: Run against the media.The campaign against the media is not…
What Traditional TV Documentarians Need to Know About VR

What Traditional TV Documentarians Need to Know About VR

There has been an ongoing discussion about whether a documentary is journalism. A journalist is expected to be objective; a documentary filmmaker not so much. His or her perspective might…
Los Costos Invisibles De La Guerra Contra La Prensa En Mexico

Los Costos Invisibles De La Guerra Contra La Prensa En Mexico

Read in EnglishCuando la mañana del 23 de marzo comencé a recibir mensajes informándome del asesinato de Miroslava Breach en Chihuahua, la ciudad donde me crié, donde vive mi familia,…
The Invisible Costs of the War Against the Press in Mexico

The Invisible Costs of the War Against the Press in Mexico

(Translated from the Spanish by Patrick Timmons. Leer en español)On March 23, I began to receive messages about the murder of Miroslava Breach in the city of Chihuahua, my hometown. It’s…