
Reporting on Child Welfare and Adoption Policies

An author and advocate contends that journalists are missing the story.

A Journalist Reveals Himself in Letters

Irreverent, churlish, boastful and, sometimes, larger than life.

The Cold War Generation of Patriotic Journalists

What happens when journalism becomes government propaganda?

Dealing With the Trauma of Covering War

Journalists Talk About Ways They Cope With What They See

The ‘Welfare Queen’ Experiment

How Viewers React to Images of African-American Mothers on Welfare

Excerpt From Remarks

Big companies are like battleships going down the middle of a gulf. When we fire our guns they’re pretty loud, but we don’t change direction very well.It’s the size of…

Excerpt From Remarks

In 1978, ABC started a program called “20/20,” as a kind of a standard newsmagazine program. They were trying to see what they could do in the “60 Minutes” business.…

Excerpt From Speech

We celebrate tonight the men and women whose dedication to the collection and distribution of facts threatens their very existence. When they antagonize those with money, political power and guns,…

Watching the Watchdogs

In Kenya, a Monthly Media Review Keeps a Watchful Eye on Journalists and Others

Summer 1999: Introduction

Reforming Welfare, Reporting on Poverty: The Challenges of Reporting This Story in Various Communities and Other Countries