
In Sports Reporting, When Does the Personal Become News?

Boundaries seem much harder to find and a lot easier to cross.

Spanish Journalists Adore the Euro

Wonder why? The roots of this love affair go back a century.

Fall 1999: Words & Reflections Introduction

“What difference does it make that a family newspaper stays in the family?” This is the question posed by Alex S. Jones, author (along with Susan E. Tifft) of the…

Fall 1999: Journalist’s Trade Introduction

“Today it is difficult to pick up a sports section or watch a sporting event on TV without finding some athlete’s privacy being invaded.” This observation rests at the center…

In China, a New and Profitable Journalism Emerges

With profit comes change and questions about future direction.

Russian Regional Media

The nation’s financial crisis threatens journalists’ independence.

Russian Television News: Owners and the Public

Owners jockey for political advantage. The public spots bias.

An Urban Eye Looks at Rural Life

Photographs that ‘beguile without fantasizing.’

At Unity ’99 the Topic Was Journalism

The conference offered a glimpse of what newsrooms could be.

Reporting on Reproductive and Genetic Technologies

An author describes her experiences—good and bad—with the media.