Author Principle No. 3 "In the end, the discipline of verification is what separates journalism from entertainment, propaganda, fiction, or art…. Journalism alone is focused first on getting what happened down right….Perhaps because the… June 15, 2001 Language Can Create Barriers for Young Journalists One news director considered a reporter’s Spanish ‘not Mexican enough.’ June 15, 2001 Principle No. 1 Journalism’s first obligation is to tell the truth. June 15, 2001 Being a Latina Journalist at a Spanish-Language Newspaper ‘I don’t have to explain why it’s a story.’ June 15, 2001 A Journalist Struggles With Objectivity vs. Obligation With a Latino readership, is coverage of certain issues likely to be biased? June 15, 2001 KGUN9 Viewers’ Bill of Rights You Have a Right to KnowKGUN9 will ask the tough questions, conduct the investigations necessary, and give the timely information needed to serve the public interest and protect public safety.You… June 15, 2001 Observations on the Potential and Paradox of Latinos in Journalism Progress provides seats at morning story meetings, but doesn’t lessen the challenges. June 15, 2001 Using a Cultural Icon to Explore a People’s Heart A photographer invites community members to help create new images. June 15, 2001 Speaking the Language of Understanding Spanish helps in reporting Latino stories, but it isn’t enough. June 15, 2001 Daring to Write Our Secrets Latino journalists don’t serve their communities by failing to probe for stories. June 15, 2001 Previous 1 … 361 362 363 364 365 366 367 … 428 Next