
Community Radio Provides Women a Way to Have Their Voices Heard

Rural African women are trained in the use of reporters’ technological tools.

Bringing Women’s Stories to a Reluctant Mainstream Press

At Women’s Feature Service, journalists write about women’s lives.

An Absence of Women

At newspapers in South Africa, few women are at the top. Some wonder why and ask why it matters.

Media Don’t Portray the Realities of Women’s Lives

Business decisions and societal ambivalence in India leave many women’s stories untold.

Storming the Citadel of Hard News Coverage

Women report alongside men but their impact can be difficult to discern.

Reporting Clashes With Government Policies

‘The watchdog role of the press is never more vital than during a national crisis.’

Freelancers’ Vital Role in International Reporting

With the rise of media conglomerates, foreign news has been shoved aside.

In Nigerian Newspapers, Women Are Seen, Not Heard

Even influential women journalists stay away from coverage of women’s issues.

Reporting on Gender in Journalism

‘Why do so few women reach the top?’

Reporting International News in a Serious Way

Coverage needs to reflect ‘the same values that are given to reporting news at home.’