
Excerpts From the DMN Daily Weblog

Since The Dallas Morning News’s editorial board Weblog began on July 20, editorial writers have been sharing their views and, in some cases, arguing amongst themselves for the wired world…

Readers Glimpse an Editorial Board’s Thinking

Creating a Weblog offers ‘a way for us to demystify what we do and how we do it.’

Blogging Journalists Invite Outsiders’ Reporting In

‘To be interesting, the blog must have a discernible human voice: A blog with just links is a portal.’

Weblogs Bring Journalists Into a Larger Community

‘… we need to drop grandiose claims of being aloof, objective observers and be more transparent about how we do our jobs.’

Benefits Blogging Brings to News Outlets

What benefits do Weblogs bring to journalism? Several.

‘Sister in the Band of Brothers’

A reporter accompanies the 101st Airborne during the Iraq War and turns the experience into a book.

Blogs and Journalism Need Each Other

‘The transparency of blogging has contributed to news organizations becoming a bit more accessible and interactive ….’

Weblogs Threaten and Inform Traditional Journalism

Blogs ‘challenge conventional notions of who is a journalist and what journalism is.’

Blogging From Iraq

With a borrowed laptop, rented satellite phone and reader-generated budget, an independent reporter sends back stories from the war.

Why Journalists Can’t Talk Across Race

‘What we found is a conversation fraught with frustration and mistrust.’