
Subversive Activities

I would rephrase the question to be “Can democracy survive journalism as it has come to be practiced?” After all, accurate, trustworthy information, lots of it, is the bedrock of…

The Evaporating Editorial Cartoonist

‘… editorial cartoon jobs are increasingly left unfilled or are eliminated entirely after a cartoonist leaves a paper.’

Why Political Cartoons are Losing Their Influence

‘How did it happen that such a confrontational art form … could be allowed to fall into disregard, disuse and ultimate dismissal?’

Are We Witnessing the Dusk of a Cartooning Era?

What will newspapers do ‘when the last salaried cartoonist drops dead and suddenly there’s nothing to publish in that box on all these editorial pages’?

Freedom of Speech and the Editorial Cartoon

‘Cartoons are the acid test of the First Amendment.’

Winter 2004: Editorial Cartoons Introduction

Many newspapers have decided not to hire a full-time editorial cartoonist, but instead publish the readily available work of syndicated cartoonists. To explore what impact these decisions and other changing…

Journalism Mirrors the Public Mood

What if we are leaving the Age of Reason far behind? What if the basic cultural settings that have under-girded the best of American journalism—a scientific mindset and respect for…

Infotainment Shrinks the News

People often ask me what it is like backstage at “The McLaughlin Group” or Chris Matthew’s “Hardball” or Fox’s “The O’Reilly Factor.” “Do you and your fellow panelists go out…

Punditry Flowers in the Absence of Reporting

While we were getting down to the wire on the John Kerry Silver Star medal story at ABC News’s “Night-line,” the recent painful “60 Minutes’” debacle over the President’s war…

Animation and the Political Cartoon

These cartoons ‘can reach inside someone’s brain and grab just the right spot.’