
Medium's Evan Hansen: “The Real Unit of Exchange Is … People”

Medium’s Evan Hansen: “The Real Unit of Exchange Is … People”

Evan Hansen is head of content labs at Medium, the online publisher created by Twitter co-founders Evan Williams and Biz Stone in 2012. Previously, Hansen was editor in chief of…
The Value of Slow Journalism in the Age of Instant Information

The Value of Slow Journalism in the Age of Instant Information

Paul Salopek had been writing international stories for more than 20 years before he decided to slow down. “I was a conventional foreign correspondent zipping around the world doing fireman…
NPR correspondent Frank Langfitt, NF ’03, finds his best stories behind the wheel of a free cab he drives in Shanghai

NPR correspondent Frank Langfitt, NF ’03, finds his best stories behind the wheel of a free cab he drives in Shanghai

In the summers during college, I drove taxis in Philadelphia. All sorts of people opened up in the anonymity of a cab. Three decades later, while covering China for NPR,…
With his new virtual-reality project, Karim Ben Khelifa, NF ’13, fosters empathy

With his new virtual-reality project, Karim Ben Khelifa, NF ’13, fosters empathy

after 15 years of assignments in war zones around the globe, I’ve found that the hopes, dreams, and nightmares of enemies are often more similar than they are different. This…
Independent Journalism Finds its Voice in Egypt

Independent Journalism Finds its Voice in Egypt

One day last May, Egyptian private television station TEN broadcast an interview with Justice Minister Mahfouz Saber in which he expressed the opinion that a law graduate whose father was…
Hedrick Smith: “If all we deliver is bad news, we lose credibility”

Hedrick Smith: “If all we deliver is bad news, we lose credibility”

He’s written thousands of articles for The New York Times, produced dozens of documentaries for PBS, and written seven books, but Pulitzer Prize-winning journalist Hedrick Smith says his latest venture is among…
Margie Mason, NF ’09, collaborated with AP colleagues to report stories that helped free enslaved fishermen in Southeast Asia

Margie Mason, NF ’09, collaborated with AP colleagues to report stories that helped free enslaved fishermen in Southeast Asia

So often, journalists are quick to dismiss stories that have been done before, especially those that have been written over and over again. But what if you could take a…
How to Deter Doxxing

How to Deter Doxxing

Last November, Anna Merlan got an unexpected e-mail from Domino’s Pizza. The pizzas she ordered were ready, and she could pay for them in cash when they were delivered. The…
Architecture Criticism: Dead or Alive?

Architecture Criticism: Dead or Alive?

Blair Kamin, the Pulitzer Prize-winning architecture critic for the Chicago Tribune, is used to generating controversy with his reviews. Yet the Donald Trump outburst that followed Kamin’s critique of the…

What APIs Can Do for News

“It was a success in every dimension except the one we thought it would be.”That’s Daniel Jacobson’s tweet-length summary of his experience, in 2008, opening up a hefty selection of…