
Covering Sexual Assault

Covering Sexual Assault

Louise doesn’t usually remember her dreams. But the day her father was to visit her at college, she woke up, remembering. She had been in the countryside in her dream,…
Reporting the Bad News—And the Good

Reporting the Bad News—And the Good

The federal government implemented a policy that helped reduce the deficit and how much senior citizens had to pay for drug prescriptions they otherwise couldn’t afford. The policy made it…
Andrew Fitzgerald: “The way people are talking about something in the world is in itself news. … Increasingly, the conversation itself is driving that news cycle.”

Andrew Fitzgerald: “The way people are talking about something in the world is in itself news. … Increasingly, the conversation itself is driving that news cycle.”

Twitter has been enjoying more than a moment recently, most notably whenever President Trump tweets. Yet, 11 years after its founding and at a time when tweets are must-reads and…
For African Journalists, Trump’s Treatment of the Press Is All Too Familiar

For African Journalists, Trump’s Treatment of the Press Is All Too Familiar

If there is anything African journalists have learned from their American compatriots, it’s the role of a free press in fostering the growth of Africa’s fledgling democracies. Through its diplomatic…
Paul McNally, a 2016 Knight Visiting Nieman Fellow, is working to bring community radio in South Africa to a wider audience

Paul McNally, a 2016 Knight Visiting Nieman Fellow, is working to bring community radio in South Africa to a wider audience

A laptop was cracked across the reception desk. A hole was put through the red painted wall. And a 2015 award for best radio documentary, hanging high, was pulled down…
A Time for Press Solidarity, Not Finger-Pointing

A Time for Press Solidarity, Not Finger-Pointing

Deniz Yücel is the only German journalist who is in prison in Turkey for doing his job. He has been in police custody since February 14, when he turned himself…
The Israeli Press under Pressure

The Israeli Press under Pressure

Over the first few weeks of 2017, Israeli TV news viewers have been exposed to conversations Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has held in recent years with Arnon Mozes, publisher of…
What U.S. Journalists Covering Trump Can Learn from the Israeli Press

What U.S. Journalists Covering Trump Can Learn from the Israeli Press

On January 28th, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu tweeted what seemed like a hearty endorsement of President Donald Trump’s plan to build a wall along the Mexican border. “President Trump…
MisinfoCon: A Summit and Creative Studio on Misinformation

MisinfoCon: A Summit and Creative Studio on Misinformation

Misinformation, though not a new phenomenon, has increasingly infiltrated our news ecosystem, fueled by the speed that information travels and the filter bubbles—both physical and digital—we live in, undermining democratic…
Sweden, Trump, and Reality

Sweden, Trump, and Reality

Swedes had a good laugh a few days ago when Donald Trump remarked that Sweden, which has accepted large numbers of refugees, “is having problems like they never thought possible.”Sweden’s…