
Winter 1998: Children and Violence Introduction

In this edition, we examine ways in which we report on children and violence. We travel to the sites of the five recent and highly publicized school shootings, then journey…

Sensitive Early Reporting Opened Up Good Leads in Edinboro, Pennsylvania

Students show their grief as the procession of slain teacher John Gillette leaves the McComb Field House on the campus of Edinboro University where an open memorial service was held.…

Girls and Juvenile Violence

Stories Rarely Told

Voicing the Community’s Horror Worked Well in Jonesboro, Arkansas

Tristan McGowan, an injured seventh grader from the Westside Middle School, is pushed from the hospital by his grandfather, Bill McGowaned, after being released from the St. Bernard’s Regional Medical…

The Freedom Forum’s Critique of The Sun’s Reporting on the Westside Shootings

Here are excerpts form the Freedom Forum critique. The Sun covered the story unblinkingly, in the best journalistic sense of that word. It’s coverage not only was thorough and fair…

When Juveniles Are Locked Up

A Reporter Uncovers Abuse in a System Few People Know Exists

Context, Contacts and Accuracy Were Key in Paducah, Kentucky

This photo of Michael Carneal was taken during an early court appearance. Photo courtesy of The Paducah Sun.No one had a hint of—and to this day even he cannot describe—…

Restraint and Empathy Defined Reporting in Pearl, Mississippi

Pearl High School students pay homage to their fallen classmates during a candlelight memorial service held at Paul Truitt Memorial Baptist Church. Photo by Vickie King/The Clarion-Ledger.Reports of shootings at…

Making Sense Out of a Tragedy

Don’t Report What You Don’t Know

Public Pressure for a Responsible Press

The dizzying whirl of spin and counterspin which marked the months of coverage of President Clinton’s sex life has now come to an end. It’s time to ask what we’ve…