Articles Journalism and Citizenship: Making the Connection ‘Not only do citizens benefit from good journalism, but also journalism gets a boost from having engaged, news-hungry citizens.’ December 22, 2008 David T.Z. Mindich Accepting the Challenge: Using the Web to Help Newspapers Survive ‘Meeting us where we are—with a great Web site, content that works well in digital media, told in ways we can absorb and share—is a step in the right direction.’ December 22, 2008 Luke Morris Digital Natives: Following Their Lead on a Path to a New Journalism By understanding how young people ‘process various types of news and formats’ using new media, journalists enhance their ability to adapt their work to emerging technologies. December 22, 2008 Ronald A. Yaros To Prepare for the Future, Skip the Present ‘… today’s obsession with saving newspapers has meant that, for the most part, media companies have failed to plan adequately for tomorrow’s digital future.’ December 22, 2008 Edward Roussel Where the Monitor Is Going, Others Will Follow A decade ago, resistance at The Christian Science Monitor to its online site almost killed it. Now, the newspaper is depending on the Web for its survival. December 22, 2008 Tom Regan Clear Direction in Tough Economic Times Economic volatility brings ‘new meaning to the program’s transformative nature.’ December 22, 2008 Bob Giles If Murder Is Metaphor Novels, at times, speak to truth in ways we, as journalists, can find hard to do. December 15, 2008 Steven A. Smith The Middle East Conflict: American Coverage ‘… Dunsky’s book is at its best when she reveals little-known aspects of the relationship that exists between American journalists and their government.’ December 15, 2008 Simon Wilson Web v. Journalism: Court Cases Challenge Long-Held Principles ‘… courts and legislatures, reluctant to apply different rules to the “old” and “new” media, are rethinking the basic constitutional principles that have protected a free press for generations.’ December 15, 2008 Jane Kirtley A Retired Newspaper Journalist Takes What He Knows to the Web ‘What “sold” RappVoice to the local audience was solid and timely reporting, analysis, and in-depth explanation of complex subjects ….’ December 15, 2008 James P. Gannon Previous 1 … 212 213 214 215 216 217 218 … 433 Next