
The Wisdom of the Crowd Resides in How the Crowd Is Used

‘… the animating idea—our readers know more than we do—is evolving into something that, if used wisely, will be far more efficient and useful than our first, early attempts at…

Ethical Values and Quality Control in the Digital Era

‘Situations that editors confront in this digital-era maelstrom reflect the vexing ethical challenges and the diminished quality control standards at a time when they are most needed.’

Political Video Barometer

RELATED ARTICLE“Mapping the Blogosphere: Offering a Guide to Journalism’s Future”– John KellyAs a visual demonstration of how ideas move through social networks, Morningside Analytics created a user-friendly online tool called…

Using E-Readers to Explore Some New Media Myths

An experiment with digital media sets out to see what similarities might be found in how young and old adapt to new technologies.

Engaging Young Staffers in Newsroom Activities and Change

RELATED ARTICLE“Adding Young Voices to the Mix of Newsroom Advisors”– Steven A. SmithA newsroom’s younger staffers can play a significant role in charting the organization’s future. What follows are some…

The Gang of Eight’s Recommendations: An Excerpt

RELATED ARTICLE“Adding Young Voices to the Mix of Newsroom Advisors”– Steven A. SmithThe Gang of Eight didn’t hesitate to recommend significant changes in structure and cuts in the editing staff.…

What Young People Don’t Like About the Web—And News On It

‘… news organizations need to pay attention to what young people say about what makes them tune out on news sites.’

Tracking Behavior Changes on the Web

Evidence accumulated in a major study reveals significant shifts in how people deal with knowledge and information—shifts that affect young people the most.

Passion Replaces the Dullness of an Overused Journalistic Formula

‘… mainstream journalism that my students abhor has become too formulaic, too cynical, and too concerned with internal standards over external truth.’

Net Geners Relate to News in New Ways

‘Is it any surprise that they remember less from the traditional newscasts—told from beginning to end—than from interactive versions that allow them to click to hear the news or learn…