
Social Media: The Ground Shifts

Social networks serving as Web services, not sites, ‘create new challenges for journalists, news organizations, and media companies that are only now starting to embrace social media.’
A Photographer’s Journey:  From Newspapers to Social Media

A Photographer’s Journey: From Newspapers to Social Media

An Essay in Words and Photographs

George Weller Reported on World War II From Five Continents

George Weller was a highly praised novelist who was fluent in a number of languages when the Chicago Daily News sent him overseas in 1940 at age 33 to cover…

Foreign News Reporting: Its Past Can Guide Its Future

America’s tradition of foreign affairs reporting is on full display in John Maxwell Hamilton’s “Journalism’s Roving Eye: A History of American Foreign Reporting,” published by Louisiana State University Press.“Since the…

Digital Media’s Key to Success: Must-Read Content

In observing what enables some content creators to draw steady and good-sized audiences, lessons emerge about the common factors that make this happen.

Learning About China’s Changes While Teaching Journalism

A U.S. journalism professor returns to China—after two decades—and discovers from his students all that has changed and what remains the same.

The Netroots: Bloggers and the 2008 Presidential Campaign

From their position in the ‘outermost reaches of the campaigns and the daily news cycle, [bloggers] managed to break into that once-impenetrable world.’ What difference did they make?

Spies and Journalists: Taking a Look at Their Intersections

Moscow recruited journalists for their access, insights and confidential information.

Embedding a Reporter With a Shakespearean Production

In moderating a blog and facilitating community reads and talk-backs, a journalist brings new voices and insights to arts coverage.

Afghanistan-ism: An Apt Metaphor for Foreign News Reporting

When independent judgment isn’t valued in the work journalists do overseas, the consequences for the nation can be devastating.