
Teaching the Science of Journalism in China

‘... I was constantly aware that the journalism they could practice was antithetical to the principles I was teaching, or so I believed, until I learned to trust the scientific…

Looking at Western and Eastern Ideas About Journalism

I sometimes hear a claim made in Beijing academic circles for “Chinese journalism.” This posits that there is also something called “Western journalism,” and that both are circumscribed by orthodoxy.…

A Correspondent for The New York Times Ends Her Reporting in Gaza — For a While

‘... I always say that I am not the story. I am out of it. I observe the place, and I describe it as it is. If I talk to…
Piecing Together a Mosaic of America

Piecing Together a Mosaic of America

‘As a foreign correspondent, my challenge was to tell stories about America in ways that would connect with my Finnish audience—both in print and through my multimedia presentations …’

Turkey and the Armenian Diaspora: When ‘We’ Don’t Want to Know About ‘Them’

A lot happened after a Turkish journalist set out to tell people in her country about those who belong to the Armenian diaspora.

Foreign Reporting: It’s Not Like It Used to Be

Just a dozen years ago, the International Reporting Project’s approach was very different. Then, it trained staff reporters hoping to head to foreign bureaus; now it supports story ideas, many…
A Foreign Correspondent From India as Suspect in Pakistan

A Foreign Correspondent From India as Suspect in Pakistan

It is one of the most coveted assignments in Indian journalism, and I had dreamed about it for many years. Yet as I flew to Islamabad from New Delhi in…

Observing Unrest in Pakistan

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When Journalists Depart, Who Tells the Story?

Press releases and broadcast-ready video substitute for European Union coverage, as news organizations cut back on staff reporters in Brussels.

From War Zones to Life at Home: Serendipity and Partners Matter

‘This Pulitzer Center partnership turned out to be the start of a productive ad hoc partnership that kick-started my career as an independent journalist.”