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Film as Long-form

By Niemans @ Work September 11, 2014

There should be a recovery group for what I am: an author of nonfiction books, born in the 1970s. Yet I received shared Emmy and National Magazine Award nominations in multimedia this year. How so? It started with a … Read more

Facts, Not Opinions

By Features September 11, 2014

As recently as 2008, it was illegal for Cubans to own a cell phone and impossible for them to buy a computer. No independent journalist had a mobile device, and only a handful had a phone line at home. Read more

Island in the Storm

By Features September 11, 2014

In Cuba, it’s called “D-Day”—that hypothetical future date on which the Castro regime falls. D-Day is a date long-awaited by broad sectors of the population, the Cuban diaspora, media outlets around the world, and foreign correspondents based on the … Read more

Sharing Their Stories

Diversity September 11, 2014

CNN Meredith Artley Vice president and managing editor, CNN Digital There’s been a longstanding issue of not having enough women’s voices among the big names in journalism There’s been a … Read more

Looking Up

By Books September 11, 2014

To accompany an excerpt from Will Steacy’s “Deadline,” Nieman Reports asked longtime Philadelphia Inquirer staffer Dan Biddle, a 1990 Nieman Fellow, to summarize the paper’s recent history and its current state: Things are going to get worse before they … Read more

Meredith Artley

By Diversity September 11, 2014

Related Article Where Are the Women? Why we need more female newsroom leadersPLUS Read more stories from prominent female leaders There’s been a longstanding issue of not having enough women’s voices among the big names … Read more

Melissa Bailey

Diversity September 10, 2014

Related Article Where Are the Women? Why we need more female newsroom leadersPLUS Read more stories from prominent female leaders At times I’ve felt I had to put on a more masculine, no-nonsense demeanor so … Read more

Marcy McGinnis

Diversity September 10, 2014

Related Article Where Are the Women? Why we need more female newsroom leaders PLUS Read more stories from prominent female leaders The reason why I feel very strongly about women in positions of authority is … Read more