
Masha Gessen: “We’ve been thinking about terrorism all wrong”

The 2004 Nieman Fellow discusses her new book about the Boston Marathon bombers, and how narratives can get in the way of facts

It’s Only Money

Alissa Quart turns to poetry to comment on the commodification of modern life

At Harvard, a Reporter Finds Hard Lessons on Diversity in Education​

While advances in ethnic and racial diversity should be celebrated, newsrooms should also recognize the need for economic diversity

For Online Publications, Data Is News

Data-driven projects and news-based games should be presented as journalism, not frilly add-ons
Charlie Hebdo and Boko Haram: Parsing the Equivalency Debate

Charlie Hebdo and Boko Haram: Parsing the Equivalency Debate

Is it possible to place stories on some universal scale of import and assign coverage and empathy accordingly?
At Fusion, Jane Spencer, NF ’13, brings together new media and a sense of public service

At Fusion, Jane Spencer, NF ’13, brings together new media and a sense of public service

In Mexico City, where street harassment is notoriously aggressive, degrading catcalls are hurled at women on buses, sidewalks, and in their daily commutes.Last fall Fusion embarked on a project to…
A partnership created by Esquire’s Tyler Cabot, NF ’14, and Northeastern University empowers j-school students to tell old stories in new ways

A partnership created by Esquire’s Tyler Cabot, NF ’14, and Northeastern University empowers j-school students to tell old stories in new ways

From the very beginning—the scrolls of maps marked with every police station, hospital, and border patrol outpost; the long discussions about satellite phones and kidnapping insurance; the phone call with…

2014 Visiting Fellow Samar Padmaker Halarnkar is building a data-driven site about India’s biggest challenges

Over the five months that I have been editor of IndiaSpend, a data-driven website that focuses on public interest journalism, our social media following has increased by about 600 percent, albeit…
Jay Lauf of Quartz: The Homepage Isn’t Dead

Jay Lauf of Quartz: The Homepage Isn’t Dead

The Quartz publisher on his global business website's branding efforts, the potential of messaging apps, and more
Bassem Youssef: The Joke Is Mightier than the Sword

Bassem Youssef: The Joke Is Mightier than the Sword

"Egypt's Jon Stewart" on the enduring role of satire in free—and not-so-free—societies