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Special Issue 1999: Introduction

Opinion March 4, 1999

This special issue of Nieman Reports has been created to report to the readers of Nieman Reports, to members of the Committee of Concerned Journalists, and to newspaper and broadcast communities on two recent reports, as well as to share relevant insights from other Committee members. A joint project of the Nieman Foundation and the Committee of Concerned Journalists. Read more


Opinion December 15, 1998

October 6, 1998 New York City To the Editor: The question asked in your review [Fall 1998] of the Robert D. Richards’ book “Freedom’s Choice” about the right of the editor vs. that of the publisher of a newspaper … Read more

Full Quotation on Newsroom Ethics

Opinion September 15, 1998

Athens, Georgia To the Editor: Undoubtedly under severe space constraints, my good friend Phil Meyer and his co-author, M. David Arant, plucked a six-word quote from my book to lead their fine article on newsroom ethics (“Changing Values in the … Read more

Newspaper-Tobacco ‘Unholy Alliance’

Opinion September 15, 1998

Angola, Indiana To the Editor: It was refreshing to read Morton Mintz’s article, “The ACLU and the Tobacco Companies” [Nieman Reports Spring 1998]. Such an exposé is long overdue, and I applaud you for printing it, especially since it is … Read more

Tobacco and the American Civil Liberties Union

Opinion June 15, 1998

ACLU’s Charges New York To the Editor: Morton Mintz’s latest diatribe against the ACLU only serves to degrade and debase the standards of your magazine, whose stated purpose is “to promote and elevate the standards of … Read more

Indians Left Out

Opinion June 15, 1998

Rapid City, South Dakota To the Editor: I read with interest your “Watchdog” articles in Nieman Reports. I was a little disappointed Indians were excluded. Dealing day in and day out with sovereign nations requires us (the Indian press) to … Read more