The Signal and the Noise
One tweeter boasted of a "game-changing victory" for crowdsourcing in the early hours of the Boston area manhunt. But what began as a low-grade fever on social media spiked with the wrongful naming of a bombing suspect. All the while, Nieman Visiting Fellow Hong Qu was testing his new tool Keepr as a screen for credibility and posting early results on Nieman Reports as the story unfolded. Qu and journalist Seth Mnookin, who tweeted live from the manhunt, write about how smartphones and their unprecedented power to publish require new journalistic tools and practices, while other Nieman Fellows consider the intersection of social media and journalism in the aftermath of the attac
The Complete Interview
On March 29, 2013, retired Concord Monitor editor Mike Pride, NF '85, sat down with his friend Donald Hall, the former U.S. poet laureate, for a videotaped conversation about poetry and journalism. A short transcript of their conversation ran in the print edition of Nieman Reports. An extended transcript is also available.
Videos of Donald Hall reading and discussing three of his poems—"Maples," "Mount Kearsarge," and "Affirmation"—are below.
“Mount Kearsarge”
On March 29, 2013, retired Concord Monitor editor Mike Pride, NF '85, sat down with his friend Donald Hall, the former U.S. poet laureate, for a videotaped conversation about poetry and journalism. A short transcript of their conversation ran in the print edition of Nieman Reports. An extended transcript is also available.
Videos of Donald Hall reading and discussing three of his poems—"Maples," "Mount Kearsarge," and "Affirmation"—are below.
“Mount Kearsarge”