Uncategorized Slideshows in Visual Journalism The photographs of more than a dozen contributors to the Spring 2010 issue have been compiled into slideshows and presented online for Nieman Reports readers. March 16, 2010 Share this article 44 Days and the Portrayal of History in Tehran- David Burnett Agent Orange: Pressing the Government to Take Responsibility- Wendy Watriss Finding Common Themes in Louisiana and Iraq- Kael Alford ‘Lost Boys’ Return to Sudan as Doctors- Christopher Tyree and Stephen Katz The Impact of Images: First, They Must Be Seen- Marcus Bleasdale Pakistan: A Freelancer as Photographer- Iason Athanasiadis A Personal Project: Third-Generation Victims of Agent Orange- Justin Mott The Untold Story of Mexican Migration- Josh Meltzer Taking Stock of the 'Area Boys' in Lagos, Nigeria- Samuel James Finding an Extraordinary Moment During an Ordinary Ride- Melissa Lyttle Crossing the Line: From Still to Video—to Both at the Same Time- Julie Jacobson Gift of Training + Shift in Newsroom Thinking = Multimedia Storytelling- Evan Vucci The Still Photograph: Embedding Images in Our Mind- Edward Burtynsky Documentary Photography- Glenn Ruga Related Uncategorized After Tiananmen Square, a ‘Dark Age’ for Press Freedom in China Liu Binyan Uncategorized In Beijing’s Newsrooms Liu Binyan Uncategorized Stories of a Changing American South Bill Kovach