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Covering Climate Change


» Climate and Health Resources from Harvard C-CHANGE

» Covering Health: Making Climate Change Personal

» NOAA’s Climate at A Glance

» NASA’s Global Climate Change resources

» The Climate Matters Media Library is a searchable resource for climate reporting materials, many of which are localized. Journalists can also sign up there to receive weekly emails of new releases for their media market.

» “Quick Facts for Any Story,” produced by Climate Communication and SciLine, summarize the latest science on the linkages between climate change and extreme weather in clear, concise language. They include references and also list accessible experts to interview and common pitfalls to avoid.

» BASELINEFour locations. Every five years. Until 2050. (documentary series)

» Covering Climate Now

» “A Scary Year for Climate Change,”

(online MIT Knight Science Journalism magazine), 10/31/19.
Includes a handy virtual bookshelf of 12 key climate science reports from past year. Republished in Scientific American and Quartz. Available free to republish.

» 2019 Lancet Countdown on Health and Climate Change: Policy Brief for the U.S. (11/13/2019)

» “Climate Change Journalism” Twitter list

» Climate Central maintains Surging Seas, their sea level rise toolkit, which highlights areas, people, property, and infrastructure at risk from rising sea level.

» Skeptical Science

» SciLine

The Center for Climate and Energy Solutions (C2ES)