Search results for “writing the book” Showing 893 results Celebrity Transforms Political Coverage The Schwarzenegger campaign capitalized ‘on his celebrity to make ordinary journalism so marginally relevant to the outcome ….’ December 15, 2003 Weblogs Bring Journalists Into a Larger Community ‘… we need to drop grandiose claims of being aloof, objective observers and be more transparent about how we do our jobs.’ September 15, 2003 ‘Sister in the Band of Brothers’ A reporter accompanies the 101st Airborne during the Iraq War and turns the experience into a book. September 15, 2003 Blogs and Journalism Need Each Other ‘The transparency of blogging has contributed to news organizations becoming a bit more accessible and interactive ….’ September 15, 2003 Weblogs Threaten and Inform Traditional Journalism Blogs ‘challenge conventional notions of who is a journalist and what journalism is.’ September 15, 2003 Blogging From Iraq With a borrowed laptop, rented satellite phone and reader-generated budget, an independent reporter sends back stories from the war. September 15, 2003 Why Journalists Can’t Talk Across Race ‘What we found is a conversation fraught with frustration and mistrust.’ September 15, 2003 A Guide to Various Weblogs RELATED WEB LINKSDan Gillmor– dangillmor.comDave Barry– blogs.herald.comToday in the Sky– Abuse Tracker– Weblogging PioneerThe pioneer among blogging columnists is Dan Gillmor of the San Jose Mercury News. He… September 15, 2003 Weblogs: A Road Back to Basics ‘Weblogs will not save journalism as we know it. However, they might end up improving journalism as we know it.’ September 15, 2003 Weblogs and Journalism: Do They Connect? ‘… the vast majority of Weblogs do not provide original reporting— for me, the heart of all journalism.’ September 15, 2003 Previous 1 … 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 … 90 Next