Search results for “writing the book”

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Roi Ottley: An African-American Journalist Covers World War II

Old World War II movies usually included the standard cliché of a United States Army unit serving as a microcosm of American diversity. As the soldiers trudged along muddy roads…

The Inner Fire of Muckraking Journalists

Steve Weinberg writes about the inner fire that made Jack Anderson love to kick Nixon around, Dan Kennedy looks at a new take on the complicated life of Marshall McLuhan,…

Local Reporting Builds a Community’s ‘Social Capital’

‘Community journalism assumes its value in finding ways to connect people—by identifying passions and concerns they share, linking neighbor to neighbor, and motivating people to act.’

Remembering James H. McCartney

Rick Smith, a longtime friend of James H. McCartney, NF ’64, delivered this eulogy at a memorial service in early June at the National Press Club in Washington, D.C.When I…

Summer 2011: Introduction

In digital space, journalists are proving to be a powerful force in creating, nurturing and engaging communities. No longer serving only geographic zones, they confront the fragmentation of audience and the need to attract and…

Summer 2011: Class Notes

1964James H. McCartney, a longtime Washington correspondent and columnist who specialized in foreign affairs and defense policy, died at his home in Florida on May 6th from cancer. He was…

Feeling the Embrace of Her Nieman Family

D. Parvaz, freed in May after 19 days of captivity in Syria and then Iran, wrote a postscript to the accompanying essay, which she had written before her detention.RELATED ARTICLE“Landing…

Steve Weinberg: Connections and Disclosures

RELATED ARTICLE“The Inner Fire of Muckraking Journalists”-Steve WeinbergIn 1989, Little, Brown and Company published my biography of industrialist Armand Hammer, and then Hammer sued me for defamation, as we knew…

A Failing Newsroom—Described With a Novelist’s Touch

Tom Rachman ‘is telling this story at a perfect time as newspapers shed staff and costs and, in some cases, shut down their presses altogether.’

Deciphering the Life of a Complicated Thinker

A novelist turned biographer places ‘[Marshall] McLuhan’s maddeningly difficult ideas in a recognizably human context.’