Search results for “writing the book”

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E-Books as a Business Strategy

Owni ‘doesn’t carry advertisements and publishes all of its content under a Creative Commons license. Selling products—including e-books—is its big bet.’

Transformation in Publishing and Optimism About Books

‘An enduring challenge for journalists is to take their experiences, background and skills as a writer and turn them into a fully developed narrative.’

It’s a Long Article. It’s a Short Book. No, It’s a Byliner E-Book.

‘Our idea was to create a new way for writers to be able to tell stories at what had always been considered a financially awkward length.’

Journalist to Marketer—With a Book In-Between

‘... being a great reporter is no guarantee that you can successfully sell your book, even when you’ve done cool stories about books.’

Leapfrogging the Book: A Newspaper Story Jumps to Film

‘The desire to have the best—or most salable—story must never undermine our responsibility to challenge even our most compelling material.’

Narrative Writing: Craft to Ethics, Theme to Characters

In ‘Storycraft’ Jack Hart ‘reveals the story behind the stories.’

Tips for Journalists Writing Memoirs

Several journalists have participated in Michele Weldon’s Writing to Save Your Life memoir writing workshops during the past decade. While she finds that journalists are at an advantage because of…

Brief Story, Book Proposal, a Longer Feature, Then a Book

‘… it would be a while before people would say, “Hey, this is a book.” ’

Books Take Over Where Daily Journalism Can’t Go

‘It is difficult to do justice to the complexities of Zimbabwe’s story while still grabbing and sustaining readers’ interest when so much of what reporters hear is depressing.’

Will I Ever Write the Book? Why Not?

‘I teach nonfiction books. I study them, praise them, and pick them apart, and as I do so, I often wonder what’s holding me back from writing one.’