Search results for “writing the book”

Showing 893 results
Critics and Online Outlets Leading the Vanguard in Arts Writing

Critics and Online Outlets Leading the Vanguard in Arts Writing

From heady journals to Tumblr manifestos, innovation in art criticism is happening outside the mainstream
What Journalists Need to Know About Writing Screenplays

What Journalists Need to Know About Writing Screenplays

Narrative writers on the similarities—and crucial differences—between journalism and screenwriting

Paying Attention to Word Choice When Writing about Addiction

You don’t have to go too far back in time to find the word “junkie” used to refer to someone who injects heroin, even by outlets that steer clear of…
Floyd McKay, NF ’68, draws on his daily reporting for a book about an era that transformed the state of Oregon

Floyd McKay, NF ’68, draws on his daily reporting for a book about an era that transformed the state of Oregon

When journalism becomes work—as opposed to adventure—it’s time to move on; that’s what I did after three decades as a reporter and commentator in print and television, at the Oregon…
Rewriting J-School

Rewriting J-School

When a handful of students show up this fall for the new media innovation graduate program at Northeastern University, they’ll learn coding, information visualization, videography, database management—even game design. The…

Top 10 Investigative Journalism Books of 2013

“Dirty Wars,” Jeremy Scahill’s exposé on the U.S. government’s tactics for fighting terrorism since September 11, 2001, is Steve Weinberg’s pick for best investigative journalism book of 2013. Author photo…

Writing Naked: Donald Hall on Poetry and Metaphor in Journalism (Extended Transcript)

Donald Hall. Photo by Finbarr O’Reilly Donald Hall, former U.S. poet laureate, has lived at Eagle Pond Farm, with its white clapboard farmhouse and weathered barn, in Wilmot, New Hampshire, since…

Writing Naked: Donald Hall on Poetry and Metaphor in Journalism (Video)

The Complete InterviewOn March 29, 2013, retired Concord Monitor editor Mike Pride, NF ’85, sat down with his friend Donald Hall, the former U.S. poet laureate, for a videotaped conversation…

Writing Naked: Donald Hall on Poetry and Metaphor in Journalism

Donald Hall. Photo by Finbarr O’ReillyDonald Hall, former U.S. poet laureate, has lived at Eagle Pond Farm, with its white clapboard farmhouse and weathered barn, in Wilmot, New Hampshire, since…

Feeling It’s a Book, Then Pausing to Wonder If It Is

‘Does the fact that this story hasn’t been told mean that there’s not enough to tell it?’