Search results for “writing+the+book”

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When What War Is About Becomes Invisible

‘If it wasn’t for people like you, people over here would not know what was really going on.’

Attitudes and Mindsets Hinder Journalists in Their Coverage

‘… consciously or unconsciously, stories have been shaped to fit well known themes of bad, good or degraded, ancient and exotic Indians.’

Opinion’s Place in Journalism

Victor S. Navasky explains why he loathes objectivity and values ‘critical opinion.’

Mainstream Media and the Survival of Journalism

In March, Nieman Foundation Curator Bob Giles welcomed to Lippmann House the participants in a symposium cohosted by The Media Center at The American Press Institute. Called “Whose News? Media,…

Summer 2005: Words & Reflections Introduction

It’s as much the “nitty-gritty of the journalistic enterprise, the ‘how-do-I-do this’ quality of reporting in Iraq” as “the life of the society he is covering” that Edward A. Gargan,…

Protecting Reporters Who Protect Sources

Strategic disagreement among journalists has stymied attempts to pass a federal shield law.

Teaching Journalism, Finding a Home

A big challenge was balancing ‘my strong sense of ethical practice with a desire to avoid preaching an “American way”….’

Ethical Journalism Is Not an Oxymoron

In ethical decision-making journalists compare ‘very favorably with those who work in other professions.’

The Public Isn’t Buying Press Credibility

‘The seeds of public distrust were sown long before the recent round of scandals.’

Strategies for Training International Journalists

RELATED ARTICLE“Lessons in Teaching Foreign Journalists”– Jerome AumenteDecades of experience in assisting journalists in foreign countries offer insights into what works best. In a book I am writing about training…