Search results for “writing+the+book”

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The Difficult Path of a Tribal Watchdog Reporter

‘I asked the council politely, “What is the role of this board? Will you be looking over and deciding what news goes to print?”

Challenges Native and Non-Native Journalists Confront

Those who tell Indian people’s stories are ‘expected to be truthful, responsible, accurate and excellent communicators.’

Organizing the New News

‘… the greater velocity of information today multiplies the opportunities for confusing and misleading the public.’

Griping About Newspaper Editorials Doesn’t Change

The problem editors face is figuring out how to get people to read editorials.

The Transparent Life of Newspaper Blogs

At the News & Record in Greensboro, North Carolina, many reporters write blogs—and newspaper stories, too.

The Ascent of Blogging

Old media report on the new media, but they haven’t figured out how to adapt.

Fall 2005: Words & Reflections Introduction

In reflecting on the book, “A Matter of Opinion,” Ray Jenkins explains why its author, Victor S. Navasky, so strongly advocates “cutting-edge reporting, with an acknowledged point of view unrestrained…

Time and Techniques Define A ‘New New Journalism’

Conversations with writers reveal how and why their stories are being told in different ways.

When Media Create the Message

The author of ‘Mediated’ makes us ‘feel as if our very beings are enslaved by the messages as well as the messengers.’

Blending Economic Ideas With the Persuasive Power of Journalism

Galbraith ‘performed that balancing trick as well as it has been done.’