
  1. Bruce Stannard, NF ’83

    Nieman 80 September 20, 2018

    The America’s Cup in the summer of 1983 was not only the longest and most intensive assignment of my career—one that went on day and night for four months—but it entailed total immersion in a sporting, social, historical, and political … Read more

  2. Nancy Webb, NF ’84

    Nieman 80 September 20, 2018

    Nieman 80 More Nieman Fellows on exemplary journalism that influenced them Growing up, I craved a more significant existence than seemed available in rural Kentucky. Climbing the ladder as a journalist, working far from home, I longed … Read more

  3. Gabe Bullard, NF ’15

    Nieman 80 September 20, 2018

    Sometime around the point when “Saturday Night Live” did a parody of “Serial,” a joke passed among audio producers that “Serial” invented podcasts. It didn’t, of course, but in a lot of ways, it may as well … Read more

  4. Ana Lourdes Cárdenas, NF ’01

    Nieman 80 September 20, 2018

    Some stories endure, not simply because of the subject matter but for the depth of reporting and quality of writing. Sonia Nazario’s masterpiece “Enrique’s Journey” is without a question one of those stories. Nieman 80 More … Read more

  5. Lolly Bowean, NF ’17

    Nieman 80 September 20, 2018

    In her illustrious, richly crafted book “The Warmth of Other Suns,” Isabel Wilkerson brilliantly shows the journey that many African-Americans embarked on during the Great Migration. But it’s another Wilkerson work that I return to, over and over, as a … Read more

  6. Lorie Conway, NF ’94

    Nieman 80 September 20, 2018

    I had never heard of the musician Sixto Rodriguez before watching “Searching for Sugar Man,” the recipient of both the American Academy Award for Best Documentary Feature and the British Academy of Film and Television … Read more

  7. Dolly Katz, NF ’77

    Nieman 80 September 20, 2018

    In an investigation published in 1972, the Omaha Sun, a weekly newspaper with not much money or staff, ferreted out the huge amounts of money Boys Town, a nonprofit to help at-risk boys, was collecting with its “he ain’t heavy, … Read more

  8. Fungai Tichawangana, NF ’16

    Nieman 80 September 20, 2018

    I grew up seeing Tony Namate’s cartoons, and when, around 1991, he started doing independent political cartoons and then joined the Daily News, his work took on a major significance—not just on how I viewed the corruption and impunity of … Read more

  9. Naomi Darom, NF ’16

    Nieman 80 September 20, 2018

    By the time I read “No Logo” in 2005 I had been working in advertising for five years, and came to question what my brain power was being used for. At the time I worked in a … Read more

  10. Jason Grotto, NF ’15

    Nieman 80 September 20, 2018

    One of the defining moments of my journalism career came when I read “The Great Tax Giveaway” by the legendary Philadelphia Inquirer reporting duo Don Barlett and James Steele. I was in graduate school at the time, … Read more