
  1. Investigating the Housing Crisis

    By Watchdog November 19, 2018

    It is fair to say that the housing beat has not traditionally been considered a plum assignment among reporters. In fact, many media outlets do not have a team dedicated to housing issues—except for real estate reporters, who typically focus … Read more

  2. Why Journalists Need To Be Witty

    By Opinion October 31, 2018

    When I worked at Time, my favorite kind of story was what we called a “conceptual scoop,” a synthesis of research and reporting from diverse sources and disciplines that presented a new way of thinking about a … Read more

  3. “It Is Really Hard to Know What is Real”

    By October 16, 2018

    They are not subscribing to newspapers. They are not watching television news. They seem to be on social media apps pretty much constantly, without much regard for the “grown-up” world of politics and policy. Perhaps, they are just, well, news-less. Read more