
  1. Journalism Under Pressure

    By Features February 21, 2019

    In an essay first published in 1999 that graces his collection “Things That Matter” (2013), the late Charles Krauthammer answered a question posed by Time magazine: Who was the most important person in … Read more

  2. What’s Wrong with Philanthro-Journalism?

    By Opinion January 30, 2019

    Funding by private foundations plays a vital role in filling the gaps often left by mainstream news coverage, especially in important areas like investigative, international, and local journalism. In the case of international news, for example, six … Read more

  3. Authenticity and the Journalism of Networks

    By January 8, 2019

    We live in an apparent paradox: trust in institutions is dropping, while trust in individuals at those institutions seems to be on the rise. According to an ongoing study from the Pew Research Center, trust in the federal government remains … Read more