Search results for “climate”

Showing 314 results
Ready for the Big One: Making the Case for Disaster Preparedness Reporting

Ready for the Big One: Making the Case for Disaster Preparedness Reporting

In 2002, Mark Schleifstein and a team of reporters in New Orleans wrote “Washing Away,” a five-part series in The Times-Picayune that predicted the devastation of Hurricane Katrina three years…

In Beijing’s Newsrooms

In the first three decades in the history of the People’s Republic of China, the journalists called their newspapers “loudspeakers” and “bulletin boards” of the Communist Party and the government.…

How to Keep Sources Secure from Surveillance

In an encrypted Q&A with The New York Times Magazine, National Security Agency leaker Edward Snowden warned that journalists have been slow to properly respond to the threat of government…

Grave New World: Evgeny Morozov’s Dire Warnings on the Reach of Google and Facebook

Photo by Paul Sakuma/The Associated Press To Save Everything, Click Here: The Folly of Technological SolutionismBy Evgeny MorozovPublicAffairs415 pages Evgeny Morozov has a knack for connecting seemingly unrelated technological advances…

Truth or Consequences: Where is Watchdog Journalism Today?

The way South Carolina Governor Nikki Haley tells it, what her state needs is more tax cuts and what it doesn’t need is the “public policy nightmare and fiscal disaster…

Playing Big: From the Chicago Tribune to Bloomberg News, Big Organziations Can Do Big Work

The battle raged over 29 words.In 1999, the Chicago Tribune published a five-part series, “Trial and Error,” that for the first time documented the incidence of prosecutorial misconduct nationally. One…

Winter 2013: Class Notes

1962Sebastiaan Kleu, a South African editor and economist, died of heart failure on October 11th. He was 85.Kleu began his career in journalism on the editorial board of the Afrikaans-language…

‘Follow the Money—Globally’

Working with reporters across borders is the new frontier for accountability journalism, says Sheila S. Coronel, director of the Stabile Center for Investigative Journalism at the Columbia University Graduate School…

The Big Chill

The Obama administration is operating amid unprecedented secrecy—while attacking journalists trying to tell the public what they need to know.

Be Careful Who You Quote

Some nonprofits that claim to supply expert opinions are set up by spin doctors to further corporate agendas.