Search results for “citizen journalism”

Showing 788 results
Pulitzer’s Forgotten Classics

Pulitzer’s Forgotten Classics

From the start, the Pulitzer Prizes have sought to recognize journalists for investigating how power works, for holding the powerful to account, and for exposing abuses of power. Yet power…
Holding Businesses Accountable

Holding Businesses Accountable

AP correspondent Margie Mason was reporting another story in Jakarta, Indonesia when her source asked why she wasn’t looking into the hundreds and hundreds of men enslaved in the Southeast…
To Stay Relevant, Newsrooms Rethink Campaign Coverage

To Stay Relevant, Newsrooms Rethink Campaign Coverage

Even in his first big presidential campaign, in a milieu where few people were short on confidence, Ted Cruz stood out for his self-assurance and conviction that he knew what…
Fifty Years of FOIA

Fifty Years of FOIA

Dave Philipps was well acquainted with the plight of troubled veterans when he heard about a soldier in the El Paso County jail two years ago. As a reporter at…
Why Uyghur Issues Go Unreported—In and Outside China

Why Uyghur Issues Go Unreported—In and Outside China

Greg Fay is project manager of the Uyghur Human Rights Project, a nonprofit human rights research, reporting, and advocacy organization promoting human rights and democracy for Uyghurs and others living…
How Newsrooms Handle Graphic Images of Violence

How Newsrooms Handle Graphic Images of Violence

Are images of violence and death too distressing to publish—or too important to ignore?
Ethan Zuckerman: "Journalistic organizations … need to have a civic impact"

Ethan Zuckerman: “Journalistic organizations … need to have a civic impact”

Ethan Zuckerman is the director of MIT’s Center for Civic Media, where he is also a principal researcher, and he is the cofounder of the international citizen media blogging community Global Voices.…
Hedrick Smith: “If all we deliver is bad news, we lose credibility”

Hedrick Smith: “If all we deliver is bad news, we lose credibility”

He’s written thousands of articles for The New York Times, produced dozens of documentaries for PBS, and written seven books, but Pulitzer Prize-winning journalist Hedrick Smith says his latest venture is among…
Public Radio and the Sound of America

Public Radio and the Sound of America

When “Tell Me More,” NPR’s talk show about diversity, was canceled in 2014, NPR’s then-ombudsman Edward Schumacher-Matos observed that Latinos (16 percent of the U.S. population) hold only 5 percent…

Mainstream Media Needs More Native American Journalists

we don’t have a lot of Native American journalists at mainstream newspapers, and that’s a problem, especially because we may not be that large in number but the jurisdictional and…