Search results for “citizen journalism”

Showing 789 results

Journalism as a Conversation

‘Only as an afterthought did it dawn on us that the audience is the real content on the Web.’

With Citizens’ Visual News Coverage Standards Don’t Change

‘In an era in which digital alteration of images is increasingly easy, credibility is everything.’

Where Citizens and Journalists Intersect

‘The crucial leap will be helping our audience become involved in the process much more directly.’

Fear, Loathing and the Promise of Public Insight Journalism

A journalist wonders whether the mainstream news media will adapt fast enough to their changing relationship with the public to survive.

Things I Wish I’d Known Before I Became a Citizen Journalist

Homepage of Coastsider.In May 2004, Barry Parr, a former Web site architect for the San Jose Mercury News and CNET’s, introduced his own new Web site to an online…

Political Journalism: It’s Not the Good Old Days

‘But some of what ails American political journalism in our time is an overreaction to the failures of the boys back in Witcover’s heyday.’

Getting Acquainted With Newspapers and Journalism

Students who didn’t read newspapers started doing so, and before long they knew a lot about journalism and were inventing news outlets of their own.

A New Journalism for Democracy in a New Age

On February 1, 2005, former Nieman Foundation Curator Bill Kovach, who founded and directs the Committee of Concerned Journalists, gave a speech at the School of Journalism at the Universidad…

Mainstream Media and the Survival of Journalism

In March, Nieman Foundation Curator Bob Giles welcomed to Lippmann House the participants in a symposium cohosted by The Media Center at The American Press Institute. Called “Whose News? Media,…

It’s Tough to Find New Footholds in Journalism

‘My experience speaks to the barriers that prevent the free trade of journalistic talent.’