Search results for “Nieman conference on narrative journalism”

Showing 109 results

The Conference | Covering Violence and Tragedy

A doctor in a Fallujah, Iraq hospital raises an X-ray to show head injuries to this 9-year-old boy whose home was hit by American airstrikes. Three members of his family,…

Narratives—With Trauma at Their Core

‘There’s a kind of emotional insight that a skilled writer with a great command of language and of the human condition brings to a story.’

Remembering the Value of Investigative Journalism

A newspaper editor describes six newsroom strategies that ensure that watchdog reporting thrives—even at news organizations where resources are limited.

Creating an Investigative Narrative

On the second morning of the Nieman Foundation's three-day 2008 Conference on Narrative Journalism, Anne Hull, a 1995 Nieman Fellow, and Dana Priest, who investigated and wrote The Washington Post's…

Examining the Core of the Nieman Experience

The Curator explores how the foundation can best cultivate the skills journalists will need in the digital era.

The Nieman Reunion: A Time to Talk and Listen

‘I understand better our obligation to expand communication about the program through the tools of e-mail and the Web.’

Continuity of Change at the Nieman Foundation

‘While its ideals are deeply rooted in the core mission, the foundation could never afford to stand still.’

Using Narrative to Tell Stories About Water

‘The imperatives of narrative nonfi ction carried me like a current to the book’s last words.’

A New Advisory Board for the Nieman Foundation

‘… the staff and I needed the wise counsel that a group of advisors could provide.’

Transforming Journalism as Democracy Emerges

‘Ten years into democracy, many journalists are struggling to redefine their relationship to government.’