Search results for “5 questions” Showing 1079 results No Time Left for Reluctant Transformers ‘Digitally based consumption by a fragmented audience requires new and sophisticated distribution mechanics … smartly connect[ing] consumers to available, relevant content in virtually unlimited ways.’ December 23, 2008 The Wisdom of the Crowd Resides in How the Crowd Is Used ‘… the animating idea—our readers know more than we do—is evolving into something that, if used wisely, will be far more efficient and useful than our first, early attempts at… December 23, 2008 Journalism and Citizenship: Making the Connection ‘Not only do citizens benefit from good journalism, but also journalism gets a boost from having engaged, news-hungry citizens.’ December 22, 2008 Digital Natives: Following Their Lead on a Path to a New Journalism By understanding how young people ‘process various types of news and formats’ using new media, journalists enhance their ability to adapt their work to emerging technologies. December 22, 2008 If Murder Is Metaphor Novels, at times, speak to truth in ways we, as journalists, can find hard to do. December 15, 2008 The Middle East Conflict: American Coverage ‘… Dunsky’s book is at its best when she reveals little-known aspects of the relationship that exists between American journalists and their government.’ December 15, 2008 Adding Young Voices to the Mix of Newsroom Advisors ‘Start with a blank sheet of paper, I instructed them. On it, put down ways we can reinvent our newsroom.’ December 15, 2008 Engaging the Public in Asking Why We Do What ‘No longer do I enter the newsroom believing that readers have tuned us out. Perhaps it is we who have tuned them out by creating too great a distance between… December 15, 2008 Reporting on the White House From the Outside In ‘If reporters entrusted to cover the White House know we are in the midst of a “truth-deficient” environment, what is the most responsible way to do our work?’ October 10, 2008 Making Change While Retaining Our Core Mission Curators have expanded the program through the years ‘to confront the challenges brought about by societal and technological changes that affect journalism.’ September 15, 2008 Previous 1 … 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 … 108 Next