Search results for “5+questions”

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A New Approach to Reaching Young Audiences

Journalists offer well-told stories to teenagers — tailoring the content to suit their reading appetites and enticing them to perhaps find their way to news reporting.

Documenting Migration’s Revolving Door

An Essay in Words and Photographs

Ethical Dilemmas in Telling Enrique’s Story

A reporter talks about the limits of intervening in risky situations and whether to fully identify vulnerable sources.

Climbing to Freedom Word By Word

‘… our ethical and political convictions gave us strength to resist and keep advancing.’

Courage as a Story Needing to Be Told

‘Unlike love, which may be an emotion only, courage must manifest itself in action.’

Trauma Lingers After Escaping the Danger

‘My whole world felt wounded during my first months in the United States: I could not sleep and, when I did, it seemed only to dream weird things.’

When Corporate Managers Nudge News Decisions

The clash of cultures ‘affects editors’ and reporters’ ability to investigate stories and break new ones.’

Seeking Journalistic Courage in Washington, D.C.

‘The disturbing trend is that more and more of these informational offerings are nothing but PR peddled as “news.”’

Investigative Journalism Doesn’t Win Many Friends

‘… just about everything has been tried to discourage these kinds of investigations by those who are unhappy with what we find.’

Public Support Wanes, Some Journalists

‘Despite the low esteem in which the news media are held today, some of the best, most courageous news coverage is being produced.’