Search results for “5+questions”

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Looking Inside the Business of Journalism

Economic Pressures Create New Challenges for Journalists

In the Midst of Poverty, People’s Stories are Hard to Tell

Small Staffs, Lack of Resources, and Families’ Fear of Reprisals Add to Difficulties in Coverage

A Newspaper’s Report Cards Offer Revealing Insights into How Well Schools are Doing

Parents stand up to speak at school board meetings, clutching a copy of the newspaper. The dog-eared newsprint is the source of research that buttresses their comments.School officials pore over…

By Being There, a Reporter Captures a Rare View of Middle School

Ten young teens draped themselves over chairs, forming a sloppy circle in the center of an empty middle-school classroom. I sat on the edge of the circle, an outsider looking…

The Learning Gap: Highlighting Teachers’ Competency

Photo by Michelle Patterson, The Lexington Herald-Leader.Education writers often try to measure the success of their local schools by analyzing such things as test scores, class sizes and poverty rates.…

Teaching Journalism by Adhering to Unchanging Standards

Pages from Gene Graham’s Nieman year sketchbook.Confession: I actually went to journalism school. And now I teach in one. But I’ve also spent plenty of time in newsrooms, a dual…

International Journalists Use Internet Technology to Breach Borders

A journalist in Zimbabwe, researching a story with ties to Sweden, needed to contact an investigative reporter in that Scandinavian country, though he knew no one there. In Montreal, a…

A Desire to Tell People What They Ought to Know

Salant, CBS, and The Battle for the Soul of American Journalism: The Memoirs of Richard S. SalantCompiled and Edited by Susan and Bill BuzenbergEastview Press. 331 Pages. $27.Dick Salant, the…

The Culture of Secrecy: Can It Be Cracked Open?

Secrecy: The American ExperienceDaniel Patrick MoynihanYale University Press. 262 Pages. $22.50.A Culture of Secrecy: The Government Versus the People’s Right to KnowEdited by Athan G. TheoharisUniversity Press of Kansas. 245…

Are Minorities Getting a Fair Shot At Journalism Jobs?

The Answer is “No”: Now What Can be Done?