Winter 2020

How to Make Climate Coverage Personal, Relevant, and Urgent
The volume of climate change coverage has been on the uptick in recent years, and hardly a day goes by when climate change and its consequences aren’t in the headlines. However, it remains one of the most challenging—yet important—stories for the media to cover well, given the sheer complexity and magnitude of the problem.
Nieman Reports takes a look at journalists and news organizations who are working in innovative ways to make climate coverage more personal, urgent, and engrossing.
Covering Gun Violence Sounding Trauma-informed Journalism
What Could Trauma-Informed Journalism Look Like?
When I hear teachers or soldiers or ministers talk about what they do as a calling, I get it. Though the public may not believe it, journalists carry a similar…
January 22, 2020
Ann Marie Lipinski
James Geary
Senior Editor
Jan Gardner
Editorial Specialist
Eryn M. Carlson
Staff Assistant
Shelby Grebbin
Print Design
Dan Zedek