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The Nieman Foundation hosts dozens of events at Lippmann House each year, featuring leading researchers, scientists, artists, writers, historians, economists and others who explore the world of ideas with Nieman Fellows and Foundation guests. Journalists and media experts also discuss the latest challenges and opportunities in journalism.


Lunch conversation with Jodi Kantor

Jodi Kantor, New York Times correspondent and author of "The Obamas," speaks with Ann Marie Lipinski, curator at the Nieman Foundation and former editor of the Chicago Tribune. Whitney Johnson, author of "Dare, Dream, Do: Remarkable Things Happen When you Dare to Dream," offers the introduction. Read more

Google’s head of news products looks to future

Addressing an audience at the Nieman Foundation on May 11, Richard Gingras, the head of news products for Google, discussed the need for constant innovation in journalism. Changes in the news industry aren't temporary problems that will be fixed and go away, he stressed. Read more

Global Interests / Local Failures

On Thursday evening, April 12, our panel discussed what it takes for journalists to accurately tell international stories that have economic, scientific, cultural, political and public health impact; and how these complex, global subjects are still being covered well, even as journalism reinvents itself online and via social media. Read more

Drawing History Into Today’s News

When Joe Sacco and Chris Hedges traveled to the Gaza Strip in 2001 for Harper’s magazine, they researched a little-known mass killing from 1956. But when the piece, written by Hedges and illustrated by Sacco, was published, editors had cut the entire section about Israeli soldiers killing hundreds of Palestinians during the Suez crisis. Read more

The Arab Spring, one year later

Wadah Khanfar, former director general of the Al Jazeera network and current president of the Sharq Forum, will speak at the MIT Media Lab on February 24 to discuss the impact of last year’s Arab Spring on democracy in the Middle East. Read more

USAID head stresses value of global health journalism

Speaking before journalists and policymakers at Harvard on Dec. 8, USAID Administrator Dr. Rajiv Shah discussed USAID initiatives that are saving the lives of people around the globe, including successful programs to reduce child mortality rates. Read more