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The Nieman Foundation hosts dozens of events at Lippmann House each year, featuring leading researchers, scientists, artists, writers, historians, economists and others who explore the world of ideas with Nieman Fellows and Foundation guests. Journalists and media experts also discuss the latest challenges and opportunities in journalism.


Errol Morris, Filmmaker

Before coming to the Nieman Foundation on November 13, documentary filmmaker Errol Morris tweeted that he was going to discuss "the New New Journalism: Speaking Power to Truth," by which he meant a tendency of some media outlets, including The New York Times in the lead-up to the Iraq War, to believe in the statements of government officials even if there is no evidence to support them. Read more

2013 Joe Alex Morris Jr. Memorial Lecture

In the weeks before Evan Osnos delivered the 2013 Joe Alex Morris Jr. Memorial Lecture at the Nieman Foundation, the problems facing journalists in China were prominent in the news: veteran correspondent Paul Mooney, who has written many hard-hitting stories about human rights abuses, had his resident journalist visa renewal request denied, and a recent New York Times report detailed charges that Bloomberg News withheld a story out of concern that it might upset Chinese leaders. Read more

Erik Martin, Reddit

Erik Martin, the general manager of online community platform, spoke at the Nieman Foundation for Journalism at Harvard on October 9, 2013. Read more

Nieman Foundation’s 75th Anniversary Celebration

Thanks to all who attended our 75th anniversary weekend and made it such a tremendous success. Watch videos of Saturday sessions including LBJ biographer Robert Caro, NF '66, discussing his life's work with The Washington Post's Anne Hull, NF '95; The 90-Minute Nieman, a lightning-round in which seven leading thinkers from Harvard and MIT present provocative ideas; and more. Read more

Journalism and the Boston Marathon Bombings

The Boston Marathon bombings may well have been America's first fully interactive national tragedy. During a roundtable conversation on Wednesday, May 1, 2013, invited guests and audience members discussed what we can learn from the coverage of the Marathon bombings. Read more