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The Nieman Foundation hosts dozens of events at Lippmann House each year, featuring leading researchers, scientists, artists, writers, historians, economists and others who explore the world of ideas with Nieman Fellows and Foundation guests. Journalists and media experts also discuss the latest challenges and opportunities in journalism.


2013 Taylor Family Award for Fairness in Newspapers

The Milwaukee Journal Sentinel has won the Nieman Foundation’s 2013 Taylor Family Award for Fairness in Newspapers for Deadly Delays. The comprehensive watchdog investigation reveals how delays in newborn screening programs at hospitals across the country have put babies at risk of disability and death from rare diseases often treatable when caught and treated early. Read more

Latinos: “The Future is Ours”

“Take a hard look,” Jorge Ramos implored his audience, “because you’re looking at a dinosaur.” Ramos wasn’t talking about his 25 years on Univision’s news desk—or about his head of gray hair—but about the very nature of an evening newscast: Asking viewers to tune in at 6:30 each night for a half-hour recap of the day’s news, then to move on with their lives. Read more

Professor Doug Melton, co-director Harvard University Stem Cell Institute

Professor Doug Melton's work for the Harvard Stem Cell Institute hasn't always made him popular. He fought with the Bush administration over federal funding for his research, argued with religious fundamentalists over "family values" and "human dignity," and at one point had a full-time security guard stationed in his lab because of bomb threats. Read more

Ben Smith, Editor-in-Chief, BuzzFeed

Ben Smith became editor in chief of BuzzFeed in 2011 when the website known for its listicles and cat photos got into the business of breaking news. Smith, an early hire at Politico, immediately built a reporting staff. Read more

Daniel Gilbert, Harvard Psychology Professor

Harvard psychology professor Daniel Gilbert said there is a scientific basis for the advice that mothers give about how to be happy: get married, make money, and have children. The author of the bestselling "Stumbling on Happiness" discussed his research on happiness during a talk at the Nieman Foundation on February 19. Read more

Raj Chetty, Harvard economist

Is the United States a land of opportunity where hard work can lead to success no matter where you start in life? According to Raj Chetty, Bloomberg Professor of Economics at Harvard, it largely depends on where you live. Read more