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The Nieman Foundation hosts dozens of events at Lippmann House each year, featuring leading researchers, scientists, artists, writers, historians, economists and others who explore the world of ideas with Nieman Fellows and Foundation guests. Journalists and media experts also discuss the latest challenges and opportunities in journalism.


Shop Talk: Race and Reporting

Join us as two of the leading journalists covering race in America discuss their work and the importance of a diversity of voices in both newsrooms and reporting. Read more

Google Hangout: Nieman Fellowships

Learn about Nieman Fellowships for from current and former Nieman Fellows as they discuss the program and application progress in this recorded Google Hangout hosted by the National Association of Black Journalists’ Digital Journalism Taskforce and on Dec. 8, 2015. Read more

Made in Boston: Stories of Invention and Innovation

As part of inaugural HUBweek events in Boston, the Nieman Foundation hosted a special evening of storytelling in historic Faneuil Hall on Oct. 6. “Made in Boston: Stories of Invention and Innovation” featured seven of the area’s best journalists, authors and innovators who offered behind-the-scene perspectives on stories that originated in Boston and reverberated around the world. Read more

Presentation of the 2014 Worth Bingham Prize and Taylor Family Award

The Nieman Foundation presented the 48th annual Worth Bingham Prize for Investigative Journalism and the 14th annual Taylor Family Award for Fairness in Journalism on May 7, 2015. The Miami Herald won the Bingham Prize for its comprehensive “Lost Innocents” series, while the Chicago Tribune took home the Taylor Award for “Red Light Cameras.” Read more

Cartoonists: Foot Soldiers of Democracy

Join us as political cartoonist Jeff Danziger presents and discusses the new documentary Cartoonists: Foot Soldiers of Democracy, featuring 12 cartoonists from around the world "who risk their lives to defend democracy, with a smile on their faces and a pencil as their only weapon." Jeff will discuss the verbal and visual art of cartooning and the state of political cartooning in the U.S. and abroad after the Charlie Hebdo attacks. Read more

Hasan Cemal and Turkish journalists honored at Harvard’s Nieman Foundation

Turkish journalist Hasan Cemal received the Louis M. Lyons Award for Conscience and Integrity in Journalism on March 12, 2015 at Harvard University. Nieman Fellows in the class of 2015 chose Cemal for the honor in recognition of a long career dedicated to championing freedom of the press in Turkey and as a representative of all Turkish journalists working today under increasingly difficult conditions. Read more

The ABC’s of Social Media with Sree Sreenivasan

Sree Sreenivasan, the chief digital officer of New York's Metropolitan Museum of Art, dropped by the Nieman Foundation—while on a family vacation to Boston no less—to share some of his advice and best practices for social media. Read more

2014 I.F. Stone Medal for Journalistic Independence

Filmmaker Laura Poitras was the recipient of the 2014 I.F. Stone Medal for Journalistic Independence, awarded each year by the Nieman Foundation for Journalism at Harvard. Amy Goodman, host and executive producer of “Democracy Now!,” also received a special I.F. Stone lifetime achievement award. Read more