
An American Observes a Vietnamese Approach to Newsgathering

Editor’s Note:We have made the decision to remove from our online publication “An American Observes a Vietnamese Approach to Newsgathering” based on a number of concerns raised both within VietNamNet…

International Reporting Resources

For those interested in learning more about visual journalism, we have compiled a list of sources that cover the field.

Looking at Western and Eastern Ideas About Journalism

I sometimes hear a claim made in Beijing academic circles for “Chinese journalism.” This posits that there is also something called “Western journalism,” and that both are circumscribed by orthodoxy.…

Observing Unrest in Pakistan

var flashvars = {}; flashvars.baseURL=”/assets/simpleviewer/Fall2010/Subramanian2/”; flashvars.galleryURL = “gallery.xml”; var params = {}; params.bgcolor = “ffffff”; params.allowfullscreen = true; params.allowscriptaccess = “always”; swfobject.embedSWF(“/assets/simpleviewer/Fall2010/Subramanian2/simpleviewer.swf”, “flashContent”, “450”, “620”, “9.0.124”, false, flashvars, params); SimpleViewer…

The Gambia: A Dictator’s Anti-Media War

This month marks the sixteenth anniversary of the military takeover in The Gambia, in which President Yahya Jammeh ascended to power via coup d’état. A former wrestler and soldier, Jammeh…

Diana Connolly

Adapt. This is the power behind the human brain. Humans have natural instincts to adapt to their surroundings. Their temptation to always receive more and more causes humans to create…

Aaron Chum

In his Fortune magazine article “The Future of Reading,” Josh Quittner analyzes the future of reading and comes to the conclusion that although the methods of reading are changing, it…

Emily Rosenthal

With the new Apple iPad and other tablets to follow, there’s been much debate over the future of printed media. Some people believe that printed books and magazines are dead,…

Ana Carano

New controversy has arisen on how publications will fare in the modern age. With the rise of the Internet, everything and anything can be read online for free, and it…

Photographers I’ve Known, And What They Taught Me

Because photographers have played such an important guiding role in my life, I have kept them uppermost in my mind as I ransacked archives and carved out a multi-volume, comprehensive…