
Lifestyles Lost

Lifestyles Lost

How Trump won the lone electoral vote of Maine’s vast, sparsely populated Second Congressional District
Closing Gaps in the Name of Democracy

Closing Gaps in the Name of Democracy

Making improvements in polling, news literacy, and the use of technology is urgent
To Stay Relevant, Newsrooms Rethink Campaign Coverage

To Stay Relevant, Newsrooms Rethink Campaign Coverage

Public disaffection and candidates' social media strategies force journalists to innovate beyond the horse race
The Future of Political Fact-Checking

The Future of Political Fact-Checking

In awarding its Lie of the Year title to Donald Trump last December, the staff at PolitiFact had a lot of material from which to choose.During the first GOP debate…

Statehouse Beat Woes Portend Bad News for Good Government

‘There’s an analogy between statehouse beat reporters—well, beat reporters in general—and cops on the beat who know the neighborhood and everyone in it.’

When Local Eyes Were Watching Their Lawmakers

‘As beat writers know, it’s in doing these routine stories that they sniff out situations worthy of deeper digging.’

A Changing of the Guard in Washington, D.C. News Bureaus

It was on a hunch that Marcus Stern, a reporter in the Washington, D.C. bureau of the Copley News Service, launched the investigation that brought down California Congressman Randy “Duke”…

It’s an Online World for Young People and Political News

Why are young people turning away from the mainstream media? And where are they going to get their political news and information?

Linking Newspaper Readers to the Best Political Coverage

“Given the dynamics of the Web … how do news organizations and journalists best serve political news consumers?”

Reporting From Kansas for MTV’s Street Team

‘If we want to be successful on the Web, it‘s got to be “guerrilla journalism,” edgy and unpredictable.’