

October 6, 1998New York CityTo the Editor:The question asked in your review [Fall 1998] of the Robert D. Richards’ book “Freedom’s Choice” about the right of the editor vs. that…

Editors’ Question: Do We Fail Our Children?

A street sign bearing his name stands near the pavement where he was slain, a monument to the seven-year-old boy who started a revolution in our newsroom.On the morning of…

Parents’ Warning: Remember the Children.

One of the first books I read when I was getting to know Chicago was Alex Kotlowitz’s “There Are No Children Here,” a vivid portrayal of the desperate lives of…

Full Quotation on Newsroom Ethics

Athens, GeorgiaTo the Editor:Undoubtedly under severe space constraints, my good friend Phil Meyer and his co-author, M. David Arant, plucked a six-word quote from my book to lead their fine…

Newspaper-Tobacco ‘Unholy Alliance’

Angola, IndianaTo the Editor:It was refreshing to read Morton Mintz’s article, “The ACLU and the Tobacco Companies” [Nieman Reports Spring 1998]. Such an exposé is long overdue, and I applaud…

Tobacco and the American Civil Liberties Union

ACLU’s Charges New York To the Editor: Morton Mintz’s latest diatribe against the ACLU only serves to degrade and debase the standards of your magazine, whose stated purpose is “to…

Indians Left Out

Rapid City, South DakotaTo the Editor:I read with interest your “Watchdog” articles in Nieman Reports. I was a little disappointed Indians were excluded. Dealing day in and day out with…

And on Whitewater…

An article in the winter 1997 issue of Nieman Reports, “Getting It Wrong on Whitewater,” refuted the widely reported belief that a portion of an illegal 1986 loan to Susan…

Alternate Forms of Transportation

BOSTON To the Editor: As a journalist and author (of “Asphalt Nation: How the Automobile Took Over America and How We Can Take It Back”), I was pleased to see…

When Is More Less?

NEW YORKTo the Editor:I’m delighted that my letter of some months ago asking [Tom Regan, Nieman Reports technology columnist] to explain the differences between reporting for the conventional media and…